The price of onion is touching the sky all over the country. The retail rate of onion has gone up to Rs 70 per kg to Rs 100 per kg in different parts of the country.
But there is a village in Bihar where people have nothing to do with onions being expensive. This is Triloki Bigha village in Chiri Panchayat of Jehanabad district. This is about 30 km from the district headquarter.
The people of Triloki Bigha village are not troubled or shocked by the increased prices of onions, as no one in the entire village eats onions. Most of the Yadav castes in the township (village) of 30 to 35 households do not eat onion and garlic in any form. Bringing onion and garlic from the entire market is also forbidden.
सरकार द्वारा पटना में कम दाम में प्याज बेचा जा रहा है. Photo: ANI
A native of the village, Rampravesh Yadav said, “The people of this village stopped eating onions since centuries because there is a temple of Lord Vishnu in this village.” Even today the people of the village follow the practice started by their ancestors with full sincerity.
Subarti Devi of the village says that there is a Thakur ji temple in her village, due to which her ancestors had banned eating onion in the village, which continues even today. She says with the claim that 40-45 years ago someone tried to break this ban, but an ominous incident happened with that family, after which people do not even dare to eat onions.
Chief of Chiri Gram Panchayat Sanjay Kumar also says that this tradition has been going on in this village for years. However, he also says that you can say it superstition, but today this ban has become a tradition for this village.
Kumar says that most of the Yadavs belong to this village. Villagers say that not only onion and garlic, meat and liquor are also banned in this village. There are many people in this village who do not even know that the price of onion has increased so much.